In March, the Student Engagement Network received a record number of applications for the summer 2018 grant award cycle — a number that has more than doubled since the launch of the grant program a year ago.
A series of mini-grants awarded to five Penn State Abington faculty are funding projects that bring students to Philadelphia and take advantage of the city's unique assets.
Philanthropist, real estate developer, and 1962 alumnus Steven H. Korman arrived at Penn State Abington to discuss some serious business with a select group of Penn State Abington students — the business of living a good and fulfilling life.
Twelve Penn State undergraduate students from the University Park, Abington and Lehigh Valley campuses, representing eight research teams, presented their research at the Pennsylvania Capitol April 5 as part of the Undergraduate Research at the Capitol Conference.
For the second year in a row, the Society of Engineering Science took first place and the People's Choice Award at the Penn State Regional Rube Goldberg Machine Contest. The annual competition challenges students to use innovative ideas, unconventional problem-solving skills and storytelling to design a machine that completes a simple task in a complex manner.
To engage, educate and encourage the next generation of engineers, Penn State’s College of Engineering brought design to life at the Young Innovators Fair, a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) exhibition held at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, Pennsylvania, Jan. 2-3.
Jacqueline McLaughlin, associate professor of biology at Penn State Lehigh Valley, founding director of Penn State CHANCE, and chair of the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) Global Perspectives Committee (GPC), has orchestrated along with Missy Coyle, research technologist at Penn State Lehigh Valley, and other GPC committee members, an interactive poster and panel discussion event entitled, “Promoting Global Sustainability in the Teaching and Learning of Biology.”
Students work with Jackie McLaughlin, third from right, to do research with baby sea turtles during the 2014 Penn State CHANCE field experience in Costa Rica/Panama. CHANCE is one of multiple Penn State initiatives to be highlighted at a special presentation at the 2014 NABT Conference.